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Hi I'm Peter. I found that I was wearing secular brands that I didn't really identify with and was looking for cool clothing that had a subtle Christian message that got people thinking. 

These are non existent in most Australian retail stores, and those online seemed too overt in their messaging, and just not my style.

So we created our own brand Glorifico, which is "to Glorify" in Latin. The aim is to make clothes that Christians would be proud to wear, and maybe help start a conversation or cause someone to pick up a Bible.

Just so we are on the same page:

We believe Jesus is God's only Son who came to die in our place, and take the punishment for our sins, once and for all. Our hope and prayer is that people will come to know him as their Lord and Saviour, and put their trust in him for the forgiveness of their sins, and the gift of eternal life with God the Father.

Wearing a shirt that points to Jesus is an easy, non confrontational way to sow a seed of curiosity. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit encouraged by our faithful prayers. 

We hope you love our clothes and accessories, and would love to hear your suggestions and feedback.

Feel free to get in touch.



Quality Clothing
Fast Delivery
Gospel Focused
Australian Made